
Is The Future Really Snail Mail?

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There are certain behaviors you customers have in terms of your product and services using the formula of RFM. RFM stands for Recency, Frequency, and Monetary value of customer purchases. There is a reason I am going down this path in terms of snail mail and that is because if you have a customer that is purchasing from you on a regular basis, sending them a post card in the snail mail will be a tool to keep them engaged in your business

It does sound old fashioned but the question you need to ask yourself is who else is doing it. The anecdotal answer is that there are not a lot of business that are sending customers notes via snail mail. In the future, this will become known as the revenge of analog. Everyone things that all business is going to happen online but there will be a need to move some touc hpoints offline.

This will represent an opportunity for small business to expand their reach in how they speak out to customers. This could be the advantage that increases your business your business and give you a competitive edge in your market vertical.

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